143rd AAA Gun Battalion - Page 44
- Basketball
- T/5 Junior Stokes - Center
- Pfc Gus Rinaldi - Guard
- Pfc J.P. McCann - Forward
- Pfc Joe Grecco - Forward
- Sgt Emil Hawrylczak - Guard
- S/Sgt Dick Price - Mgr Frd
- Sgt Andy Fronte - Guard
- Pfc Lou Shiller - Forward
- Pfc Bob Hood - Guard
- Cpl Ed Lynch - Guard
- Pfc Ralph Klem - Forward
- Pfc Gus Rinaldi - Guard
- Baseball
- S/Sgt Dick Price - Mgr
- Sgt Andy Fronte - Asst Mgr
- Pfc Pug Allen - Catcher
- Pfc Lou Shiller - First
- Pfc Stan Haber - Second
- Pfc Gus Rinaldi - Short
- T/4 R. R. Smith - Third
- Pfc Bill Beveridge - Shortcenter
- Sgt E Hawrylczak - Left
- Cpl Ed Lynch - Center
- Pfc Bob Kern - Right
- Pfc J. P. McCann - Pitcher
- Pfc Mike Bilas - Pitcher
- Pfc Joe Grecco - Pitcher
- Sgt Andy Fronte - Asst Mgr
- Utility
- Pfc W J Dackiewicz
- Pfc Bob Sherrick
- T/5 J Stokes
- Pfc John Pruchnicki,
- Pvt Buckinham
- Pfc Vincent Pino
- S/Sgt Don Sealy
- Pfc Orval Fisher
- Pfc Ralph Klem.
- Pfc Bob Sherrick
Recreational activities have been an indelible part of B Battery's history. The importance of maintaining a high standard of morale among the men cannot be exagerated. In our battery there have been various ways of expressing morale. Movies, dances, sightseeing tours, basketball teams, softball teams are a few of the things which were organized.
On the sport side of the ledger B battery has always been on top. From winning the battalion softball league title at the Muroc Air Base to trouncing the French basketball teams in Paris (we won 9 out of 10 games), our men have always shown a consistently high quality of playing. In the sport activities that followed Paris we have always made a good showing. There were basketball games in Namur and softball games in Germany. We have won and we have lost, but there has never been a time when we weren't playing a good brand of ball. The teams have been a credit to the battery and the battery is very proud of the results.