143rd AAA Gun Battalion - Page 46
Old Charlie Battery was never slack at getting out to organize or pick up things, whether it was sports equipment or frauleins. At our famous dances, we demonstrated our American hospitality to English, French, Polish and Russian girls. Jock McKay arranged the soft lights and good music while Bodnar drew the pin-ups and fixed the decorations. Deitrich was in charge of the refreshments and he always managed to satisfy the tastes of everyone. At our dances, no one went away disappointed.
Our athletic program has always been a very well organized and very successful one. During the winter at Namur many of the off duty men took advantage of the gym facilities there to show the other teams some fast tricks in the art of basketball. (We learned a few tricks also.) It was great fun to go to the gym in the afternoon, warm up for a while, play a game or two and then, take a shower. No matter what the score, we always had a good time.
Zip Cipriano would spark the offensive and Big Mel would sink the ball for the points. We Played with an enthusiasm that has been characteristic of our battery. At the end of the season, as in everything else, our record was one of the best. Later, when we moved to Herve, Belgium, we set up a baseball field in a cow pasture next to our position. The snow was hardly off the ground, but there were a few lively games between battery teams. It wasn't until after VE day, at Bonn, Germany, that we challenged the other batteries. By the time we were in Heidenheim, we were in full stride, taking on all comers. Our talley to date is 20 out of 27 games. An excellent record.
Shut out games are nothing new to our pitching staff. Wilbur Green and Guido Cipriano have stopped the opposition cold with no hits and no runs. It was Willoughby, Dvorabac, Dallau and Haworth who piled up the hits and runs that have made our scores so impressive. At baseball and basketball, our battery was tops.