My Army 'Book of Memories'
James Frank Alban Sr
143rd AAA Gun Battalion - WWII
In Memory Of
Your Family's Hero
We were inspired by a letter that we received from one of our readers to create a new section on the website.
It is called "In Memory Of"
We invite you to create a memorial page for your departed family's hero or a tribute page for your living hero.
Memorial and tribute pages are for veterans of all branches of US military service, all wars and peace time.
Contact us using the Form on the site and let us know that you'd like a memorial or tribute page.
We'll make arrangements so that you can send us pictures and text that you'd like included on your web page.
Pages may include up to 5 pictures and 500 words.
You may even send a sketch of how you want the page set up.
There is no charge for this service.
In Memory Of
- CWO Alvine H. Tecklenburg - 143rd AAA Gun Bn
- PFC Herbert J Krieger 143rd AAA Gun BN - D Battery
- Corporal Lester Shackelford - 1st Infantry Division - World War 2